Meg Burton
Job Search & Preparation
Career Coaching
Personal Coaching
Hints & Tips
Sign up for a FREE
chemistry session
“I help people get their dream job and perform brilliantly in the one they're in”

Is it time to take control of your career?

The only person looking after your career is you. Career coaching and mentoring help you identify where you want to be and how to get there, leaving you with practical tips about what actions to take to develop into the person you need to be to take that next step.

With my career coaching and mentoring, I'll help you to:

tick Discover your strengths
tick Clarify your values
tick Overcome setbacks and challenges
tick Understand key personality traits
tick Define your career goals
tick Set an action-plan
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Would you like help to get your dream job?

It's hard work finding the perfect job, but with a bit of insider knowledge and the right tools in your toolkit you'll be in much better shape.

My job search and preparation package includes direct help with the following elements, which can be taken as a complete package or single elements:

tick CV writing or review
tick Job search strategies
tick Cover letter preparation
tick Interview preparation and skills
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FREE Chemistry Session

Do you want to be more confident?

Whether you're suffering from a crisis of confidence, aren’t sure how best to weigh up a big decision or just need an impartial ear to listen and discuss your issues with, personal coaching can help you feel more secure, happier and confident.

Life is full of challenges and often we find ourselves stuck and are not sure which way to turn. Personal coaching is an opportunity to discuss your inner thoughts and feelings, unlock limiting beliefs, build confidence and help find a way forward.

Coaching is a powerful experience that can help you have that time to think through the options and support you to develop the confidence to take the next step.

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Meg BurtonMeg Burton Certified CV Writer

About me

I’m Meg Burton. I’m a coach and mentor, a challenger, a listener, a career development specialist and experienced interviewer. Using my insider knowledge of working in leadership development and HR teams within organisations I help people get their perfect job – or perform brilliantly in the one they’re in.

Over my 15 years in learning and development, I’ve worked with many clients – from senior leaders including executives through to school leavers and graduates to help them fulfil their potential. I’ve also supported people through career changes including; promotions, career moves, redundancy, retirement and making the move to self-employment.

I’m fascinated by helping people achieve their goals and love the process of coaching and the way in which it enables people to see new possibilities, tap into their true potential and find fulfilment.

Whether you need a neutral sounding board and listening ear as you take on new challenges in your current role or are starting from scratch in the search for a brand new position, I know I can help you.

I offer all new clients a free chemistry session so we can establish rapport and assess where coaching could help you most. There’s nothing to lose but a lot to gain. So why not give me a call on 07765 894040 or email me at to find out more.

About the chemistry session

Book your free 45-60 minute chemistry session with me. In the session we'll discuss each other’s coaching goals, test rapport and explore how the coaching sessions with me would work. After this you will have enough information to decide if you’d like to progress further.

Sessions can take place face to face within Yorkshire, over the telephone or using Skype depending on your preference. To sign up for your FREE chemistry session, email me at

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