Personal development in a VUCA world

The term VUCA has been used for a while now to describe the modern business world.  Originally coined in the US Military to describe the uncertainty of the post 9/11 world, futurist Bob Johansen adapted the term for the business world in his 2009 book Leaders Make The Future 

There are many forces at work which lead to the instability and turbulent nature of the business world: the downturn in the economy, the Covid-19 pandemic, the current energy crisis, changes in legislation and politics, the innovations in technology, rising costs, changing customer demands and the climate crisis  – all factors that help create a VUCA world – volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous – an ever-changing, complicated, unclear world.    Continue reading “Personal development in a VUCA world”

How to plan for retirement

It’s never too early to think about retirement plans, but I’m not talking about your pension (you’ll need to see someone qualified to do that). I recommend people have a plan about what to do with their life as well as for finances as they head towards retirement.  

With life expectancy on the rise, the period we will hopefully be able to enjoy in retirement potentially grows longer. Now, more than ever, it’s essential to make plans to ensure that our retirements are as comfortable – and enjoyable – as possible.  Continue reading “How to plan for retirement”

How to retain your talent through career coaching

If you, like many other businesses, you are struggling to retain your talent right now, then career coaching could be the answer. 

Why is it important to retain your people? 

According to news reports, job vacancies have hit a record high as employers continue to struggle to fill roles. In such a fast-changing job market, it’s no wonder organisations are focusing on why employee retention is important.    Continue reading “How to retain your talent through career coaching”