Should you include personal interests and hobbies on your CV?

Should you include personal interests and hobbies on your CV? 

I often get asked about whether adding personal interests to a CV is the right thing to do, and as with many things in life, the short answer is: it depends.  

In this LinkedIn article, the writer argues that you should always include a bit of personal detail on your CV to make you more 3D. And while I agree it can be valuable, there’s more to think about before you add stand-up paddle boarding to your current CV.  

Here are some things to consider if you want to include personal interests and hobbies on your CV 

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What’s a career pivot and do you need to do one?

More people than ever are considering career pivots instead of just looking for the next linear step in their career. I’ve written before about agile career paths, and career pivots are one aspect of creating those.

After such a tumultuous and unpredictable year, many people are seriously reassessing their career options. Whether you’re at risk of redundancy, have discovered a new-found love of working from home that won’t be supported by your current employer in the long-term, or whether a period of furlough has given you chance for reflection, thinking of your career in ways other than it being a straight line is a must.

Continue reading “What’s a career pivot and do you need to do one?”