Personal development in a VUCA world

The term VUCA has been used for a while now to describe the modern business world.  Originally coined in the US Military to describe the uncertainty of the post 9/11 world, futurist Bob Johansen adapted the term for the business world in his 2009 book Leaders Make The Future 

There are many forces at work which lead to the instability and turbulent nature of the business world: the downturn in the economy, the Covid-19 pandemic, the current energy crisis, changes in legislation and politics, the innovations in technology, rising costs, changing customer demands and the climate crisis  – all factors that help create a VUCA world – volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous – an ever-changing, complicated, unclear world.    Continue reading “Personal development in a VUCA world”

Returning to an organisation – is it ever a good idea?

The job market is incredibly buoyant right now, which gives candidates a great many options. But any change of job comes with the risk that you might not like something about the new role, organisation, or people you work with.  

A safer option might be to stick with what you know and go back to a company you previously worked for. But there will have been reasons that you left, so is returning to an organisation ever a good idea? 

I’ve written before about what to do when a new job doesn’t work out. Having had such high hopes for a new role, it can be difficult to manage the situation if it’s clear you’ve not made the right choice.   Continue reading “Returning to an organisation – is it ever a good idea?”