Maintaining your energy during a long job search – the role of grit

With millions of job-seekers in the UK and tough economic conditions, it would be easily to get disheartened if your job search is taking longer than you’d like. There are more unemployed people than vacancies in the UK, according to the latest UK Labour Market Statistics. 

Constant rejections, being unsuccessful despite getting an interview and, worse, firing applications into an apparent black hole where you hear nothing at all, can all take their toll when you’re looking for a job.  

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Growth mindset myths – how growth mindset can be misinterpreted to hold you back

Many people are familiar with the work of Professor Carole Dweck and her concept of “growth mindset”. (Check out her Ted Talk, The power of believing that you can improve for a 10-minute summary.) 

The idea is that people who believe their talents can be developed through hard work, good strategies and input from others have a growth mindset. Research shows people with this mindset tend to achieve more than people who believe talent is innate and fixed.  

There are a range of misunderstandings and myths around growth mindset which can be misinterpreted, resulting in you holding yourself back.  

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Time to take control of your imposter

If you’ve ever heard that little voice inside your head saying you can’t do something, aren’t good enough or there’s someone better than you, there’s a good chance you’re suffering from imposter syndrome.

The good news is, you’re in excellent company. Some very familiar faces have admitted to the fear of being “found out”, not least of all Maya Angelou. Her career spanned 50 years, winning critical acclaim and legions of fans. She was awarded multiple honorary degrees and industry awards but still felt “Uh oh, they’re going to find out now. I’ve run a game on everybody, and they’re going to find me out.”

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