Could a side hustle be your next career move

Feeling unfulfilled at work or wish you could start a business but not ready to take the leap – could a side hustle be your next career move? 

Starting a side hustle could be the first step to future business success, or at the very least, a happier you as your next career move. Whether you’re feeling unfulfilled and searching for an outlet to exercise your true passions outside of your day-job, looking for an additional income stream or seeking a more permanent escape from your current career, side hustles are an increasingly popular way to switch things up.   

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How to get noticed in a new industry

With the job market more buoyant than ever, if you’re looking for a new challenge, now is a great time to look at changing industries. Many roles are directly transferable across different industries – and plenty mean you’ve developed transferable skills. Changing industries can directly benefit your career, but might seem like a daunting prospect. There are, however, steps you can take pre-application to help put you in the frame in a new industry, without feeling inauthentic.   Continue reading “How to get noticed in a new industry”

Returning to an organisation – is it ever a good idea?

The job market is incredibly buoyant right now, which gives candidates a great many options. But any change of job comes with the risk that you might not like something about the new role, organisation, or people you work with.  

A safer option might be to stick with what you know and go back to a company you previously worked for. But there will have been reasons that you left, so is returning to an organisation ever a good idea? 

I’ve written before about what to do when a new job doesn’t work out. Having had such high hopes for a new role, it can be difficult to manage the situation if it’s clear you’ve not made the right choice.   Continue reading “Returning to an organisation – is it ever a good idea?”