Should you include personal interests and hobbies on your CV?

Should you include personal interests and hobbies on your CV? 

I often get asked about whether adding personal interests to a CV is the right thing to do, and as with many things in life, the short answer is: it depends.  

In this LinkedIn article, the writer argues that you should always include a bit of personal detail on your CV to make you more 3D. And while I agree it can be valuable, there’s more to think about before you add stand-up paddle boarding to your current CV.  

Here are some things to consider if you want to include personal interests and hobbies on your CV 

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How to retain your talent through career coaching

If you, like many other businesses, you are struggling to retain your talent right now, then career coaching could be the answer. 

Why is it important to retain your people? 

According to news reports, job vacancies have hit a record high as employers continue to struggle to fill roles. In such a fast-changing job market, it’s no wonder organisations are focusing on why employee retention is important.    Continue reading “How to retain your talent through career coaching”

Elevating your internal brand, externally – how to use LinkedIn to elevate your personal brand with colleagues and career stakeholders 

LinkedIn has become pretty well known as a great platform to stay in touch and network with professional contacts, build your reputation as a trusted expert, and raise your profile externally, not just when you’re looking for a new job 

But not many of us think about it in the context of elevating our personal brand amongst our colleagues. But with 60% of employees more likely to engage with posts from co-workers it’s something you should be thinking about to improve your profile and visibility amongst internal stakeholders, not just external  

Being active on LinkedIn gives an opportunity to get noticed and make sure your voice is heard with senior leaders, potentially advance your career and elevate your reputation, and be seen as an internal brand ambassador and employee advocate. 

Here are my tips for elevating your brand internally. 

Continue reading “Elevating your internal brand, externally – how to use LinkedIn to elevate your personal brand with colleagues and career stakeholders “