Should you include personal interests and hobbies on your CV?

Should you include personal interests and hobbies on your CV? 

I often get asked about whether adding personal interests to a CV is the right thing to do, and as with many things in life, the short answer is: it depends.  

In this LinkedIn article, the writer argues that you should always include a bit of personal detail on your CV to make you more 3D. And while I agree it can be valuable, there’s more to think about before you add stand-up paddle boarding to your current CV.  

Here are some things to consider if you want to include personal interests and hobbies on your CV 

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Into my second year as a member of the British Association of CV Writers – the benchmark in high-quality UK CV writing

I am delighted to renew my membership of the British Association of CV Writers for the second year.   Continue reading “Into my second year as a member of the British Association of CV Writers – the benchmark in high-quality UK CV writing”

How to get the most out of your end of year review

Annual reviews can sometimes be seen as a box-ticking exercise, a chore to be prepared for, endured and then set aside – but what should be on every employee’s mind is how to get the most out of your end of year review. 

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Personal development in a VUCA world

The term VUCA has been used for a while now to describe the modern business world.  Originally coined in the US Military to describe the uncertainty of the post 9/11 world, futurist Bob Johansen adapted the term for the business world in his 2009 book Leaders Make The Future 

There are many forces at work which lead to the instability and turbulent nature of the business world: the downturn in the economy, the Covid-19 pandemic, the current energy crisis, changes in legislation and politics, the innovations in technology, rising costs, changing customer demands and the climate crisis  – all factors that help create a VUCA world – volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous – an ever-changing, complicated, unclear world.    Continue reading “Personal development in a VUCA world”