AI in recruitment – what you need to know

What you need to know about how AI is used in recruitment and how you need to adapt to take account of it. 

Whatever you think of AI it’s unavoidable right now, but how is it relevant when you’re looking for a job and what do you need to do with your CV? 

Continue reading “AI in recruitment – what you need to know”

Why can it take so long to hear back after a job interview?

You’ve narrowed down your job search. You’ve spent time composing a knock-their-socks off covering letter, and CV which pays off when you’re offered an interview.  You prepare and research the company, practice your success stories, rehearse your killer questions, and have a perfectly pitched presentation ready. You carefully consider your outfit and make your way to the interview – either face to face or online.

The interview is finally over, it’s the final interview and you know you are down to the last few candidates. You think you’ve done quite well, you got a good vibe, you built good rapport with the interviewers and got positive feedback, so you’re feeling optimistic that an offer will soon come through.

Then… nothing. Continue reading “Why can it take so long to hear back after a job interview?”